Yoga, karma, relax, health, breath…

The Yoga is the ‘union with themselves and with the rest’. I think that only this definition of yoga can inspire you to try it. 

I discovered casually yoga, and now I can’t do whithout it! 15 minutes every day to relax my soul and body, to calm myself, and to face up the day, full of energy and with a smile.

Yoga is not only a type of sport, but a style of life. I started to used bio products for the care of my body two years ago, and then, the next step was to pass from the incognizance of the importance of the food, to the consciousness of it; and this awareness push me to open this blog, to share with others typical italian healthy recipes, or about the importance of the products for our skin, or to share with you the beauty of the places that i can visit… Now it is the moment to speak about one of the moment of my day.. Yes, the Yoga.

About the history of yoga..

Many people say that yoga is timeless..The legend tells that one day the God Shiva decided to teach all the secrets of the yoga to his bride Parvati, but near them, there was a small fish that heard all the secrets of the yoga.The little fish began to practise yoga, and at the end it transformed itself into a man. For these reasons the humankind knows the yoga. 

It seems that the first evidences of yoga come from India, in the 5000 a.C, it was a form of meditation, used to control the human senses. 

The first written work about yoga is of Patanjali, and it is called ‘ yoga sutra’ the foundamental elements of yoga. I recomend you to read it 

There are a several types of yoga, as several steps. In Italy there are an association of teachers of Yoga, called YANI, born from the passions of teachers of yoga, coming from several schools. 
What are you waiting? You must try it, or if you are yet skeptics,I reccomend you to listen typical musics that are used during the yoga lesson… you can search on the net them, and tell me your sensation when you listen it… 

I want to leave you my preferite compilation… … Good listening and Namaste! 😃 

P.S. I wanted to share with you the little information that I have got about yoga, I’m not a teacher, and I’d like to learn more about it. If you know more, or you are interested on it, leave a comment 😃
The photo is mine, made in Bratislava.It is the beautiful view from the Devin castle.. I’m thinking to write an article to tell you about this fantastic place, stay tuned 😃


liebster award.png


First of all i thank for the nomination that permitted me to partecipate. This is my first time and i’m so excited 😀

  • What is it?

The Liebster award is a special award that is given to the blogs with low followers ( under 200) . It allows to make known own blog, or to discover new blogs.

  • How can you participate?

1. Publish the Liebster Award logo on their blog.
2. Thank the blogger who appointed you and follow it.
3. Respond to his/her 11 questions.
4. Appoint 11 other bloggers in your turn with less than 200 followers.
5. Formulate other 11 questions for your appointed blogger.
6. And finally, inform your blogger nomination

  • My answers to the 11 questions

1. Tell us about your blog, the idea, of how and when he was born
My blog is born few months ago,  in March. I had never thought to the idea of write my passions on the web and to share them with others. One day during the morning i thought that i could do more of what until that day i had made, and so i decided to create the lovingmarie blog.

2. What are the topics that treats on your blog?
In my blog I share recipes, small rules for health and photos of the places known or less that are important for me.

3. What do you do?
I’m a student of law

4. What is the key to managing work and family?
I don’t know what is the key because i’m not a parent but i know the key to stay in good rapport inside of the own family, and the key for me is RESPECT.

5. What are the main values in which you believe and teach in your / your child / s?
I think  that i will learn to my child/s the respect

6. What is your worst fault and best quality?
– my best quality/worst fault is stubbornness

7. Do you feel realized as woman?
At the moment i’m doing all that i can do for relize my dreams, i hope one day to say yes, i do.

8. What kind of mother are you or will be?
I hope to be like my mother, a fantastic, courageous, strong but at the same time
sweet and sensitive mother.

9. The book of your childhood?
The book of the jungle

10. What kind of power do you follow?
I follow the mediterranean diet, where for diet i don’t mean a diet but simply rules of proportion.

11. How do you see yourself in ten years?
I hope to realize my dreams..



My questions:

  1. Why Did you decide to create a blog?
  2. When did you have this idea?
  3. What do you want to communicate with your blog?
  4. What do you do in the life?
  5. What is your dream?
  6. What are your favorite socials?
  7. Do you like cook?
  8. What is your favourite dish?
  9. What place would you like to visit?
  10. Do you think to know a little known place that others should know about?
  11. why did you name your blog in this way



Prima di tutto ringrazio per la nomina, attraverso cui ho potuto  partecipare. Be che dire questa è la mia prima volta e sono molto eccitata: D


  • Che cos’è?

    Il premio Liebster è un premio virtuale che viene dato ai blog con pochi seguaci (sotto i 200). Permette di far conoscere il proprio blog, o comunque di scoprirne di nuovi


  • Come si può partecipare?

    1. Pubblicare il logo Liebster award sul proprio blog.
    2. Ringraziare il blogger che ti ha nominato e seguirla.
    3. Rispondere alle sue 11 domande.
    4. Nominare 11 altri blogger a vostra volta con meno di 200 seguaci.
    5. Formulare altre 11 domande per i blogger nominati.
    6. E, infine, informare della loro nomina i blogger


  • Le mie risposte alle 11 domande

    1. Parlaci del tuo blog, l’idea, di come e quando è nato
    – Il mio blog è nato pochi mesi fa, a marzo. Non avevo mai pensato all’idea di scrivere le mie passioni sul web e di condividerle con gli altri. Un giorno ho pensato che avrei potuto fare di più di quello che fino a quel giorno avevo fatto, e così ho deciso di creare il blog lovingmarie.

    2. Quali sono gli argomenti che tratti sul tuo blog?
    – Nel mio blog condivido ricette, piccole regole salutari e  foto di luoghi noti o meno che sono importanti per me.

3. Che cosa fai nella vita?
Sono una studentessa di legge

4. Qual è la chiave per gestire lavoro e famiglia?
– Non so qual è la chiave perché io non sono un genitore, ma so che la chiave per rimanere in buoni rapporti all’interno della famiglia per me è il rispetto.

5. Quali sono i principali valori in cui credi e che insegni a tuo/tuoi figlio/i?

– Credo che imparerò a mio figlio / s il rispetto

6. Qual è il tuo peggior difetto e la migliore qualità?
– La mia migliore qualità / peggior difetto è la testardaggine

7. Ti senti realizzata come donna?
Al momento sto facendo tutto quello che posso fare per realizzare i miei sogni, spero un giorno di dire sì, mi sento realizzata.

8. Che tipo di madre sei o sarai?
– Spero di essere come mia madre, una fantastica, coraggiosa, forte ma allo stesso tempo
dolce e sensibile madre-

9. Il libro della tua infanzia?
– Il libro della giungla

10. Che tipo di alimentazione segui?
– Seguo la dieta mediterranea, dove per dieta non intendo una vera e propria dieta, ma semplicemente regole di proporzione.

11. Come ti vedi tra dieci anni?
– Spero di realizzare i miei sogni ..

  • LE MIE NOMINE– vai sopra nella versione in inglese su my nominations troverai tutti i link dei blogger che ho voluto nominare 😀


  • Le mie domande:

    1.Perché ha deciso di creare un blog?
    2.Quando hai avuto questa idea?
    3.Che cosa vuoi comunicare con il tuo blog?
    4.Cosa fai nella vita?
    5.Qual è il tuo sogno?
    6.Quali sono i tuoi social preferiti?
    7.Ti piace cucinare?
    8.Qual è il tuo piatto preferito?
    9.Quale posto ti piacerebbe visitare?
    10. Pensi di conoscere un luogo poco conosciuto che altri dovrebbe conoscere?
    11.perche hai voluto nominare proprio cosi’ il tuo blog?


Hello people! Today i want to share with you some photo that i made in Barcarello, while I was walking in the sunset..I was thrilled of the fantastic landscape

Do you know Barcarello? …

Barcarello is a coast of Sferracavallo, an ancient fishing and tourist village near Palermo,  the capital of the sicilian island, an italian island.

.. Now enjoy the sunset!…


if you look carefully, you can see a couple on the background


BIO’s discovering

Do you love yourself? The first question that we must asked is this. The second is why not? We must love ourself because we are the person therewith we will pass the entire life. For this reason is necessary to know how many ingredients are dangerous, how are these for example. At the beginning it is important know a precise fact: in the USA is made a study with the examination of a precise period of time, from 1950 to 1989 is been evaluated the presence of the tumors in the person with the growing of the 44% , in this rate a minor part is due to the cigarette smoke and the rest? .. According to the American cancer society one person in three has the cancer.. it is real that a prolonged use of a specific substance can be very dangerous with the association of other things that are not good for our health..

  • Alcohol or Isopropyl: is one of the petroleum derivative
  • DEA,MEA,TEA , acronym for diethanolamine, monoethanolamine, and triethanolamine and SLS and SLES or Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate: the first responsible for the dry skin
  • Minerail oil, Petrolatum, Paraffinum liquidum: these ingredient wrap the skin not allowing to breath
  • PEG (Polyethylene glycol): petrochemical origin
  • Parabens: as methylparaben, ethylparaben,propylparaben, isobutylparaben,butylparaben, benzylpataben.. There are studies in course, many persons say that they can be carcinogenic

Be careful, and read the INCI before the purchase of one product! Do you want to know other things about bio? stay tuned!

Rice with asparagus & more ( English and italian language)


       Hello to everybody! Today i want to tell you about the asparagus.

  • What is it?
    The asparagus are spring vegetables, they can be white, purple or green. The difference of the colour gives to the asparagus a different taste. Mmm ok i try to describe them 😉 .. Starting from the white asparagus, they can be defined as more delicate then others, because the purple is slightly bitter, while the green is stronger in taste ( my favourite).


  • Composition and benefits:

They are composed by 90% of water, but even of vitamin A, vitamin B,  vitamin C,          calcium, phosphorus and potassium.. The asparagus are very cleansing and diuretics, it helps against cellulite, moreover  they are low in calories approximately 25 Kcal / 100g

  • Recipe: rice with asparagus

-Ingredients: for 2 persons   -Cooking time: about 40 minutes

    250 g of asparagus
160 grams of rice
1 liter of vegetable broth
1 shallot
extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper

-Preparation: Wash asparagus under running water, remove the white part of the stem, scrape with a knife. Cut the ends and slice the remaining part. Heat the broth. Now put into a pot the oil and shallot, cut into small piece, adding a few tablespoons of broth and a pinch of salt, until it start to become slightly brown; then add the asparagus and let it cook for a few minutes on high heat, while stir. Add a pinch of salt and cook over low heat, covering the pot for 5 minutes. Pick the asparagus tips to keep aside.
Add the rice and toast it a minute, stirring.
Combine 4-5 ladles of hot broth and wait for the rice cooking time (usually 15-18 minutes).
Continue joining the broth as it is absorbed, stirring occasionally, without letting the mixture is too dry, otherwise cuocerebbe badly and erratically.
2 minutes before the end of the rice cooking time, add the asparagus tips.
Stir constantly, when the rice is ready, turn off the heat, stir well and let stand covered minutes before serving. Enjoy your meal, or in italian ‘buon appetito’

 Do you like asparagus? Did you know the benefits of this vegetables? Did you know this  recipe?
Ciao a tutti! Oggi voglio parlarvi degli asparagi.


Che cosa sono?
Gli asparagi sono ortaggi primaverili, possono essere di colore bianco, viola o verde. La differenza del colore gli dà un sapore leggermente diverso. Mmm ok ora cercherò di descriverveli 😉 .. Gli asparagi bianchi sono i più delicati, visto che quelli viola sono un po’ amari, mentre il sapore dei verdi è più forte (questi ultimi i miei preferiti).

     Composizione e vantaggi:

Sono composti dal 90% di acqua, ma anche da vitamina A, vitamina B, vitamina C, calcio, fosforo e potassio .. Gli asparagi sono molto depurativi e diuretici, aiutano a combattare la cellulite (nostra acerrima nemica), inoltre sono a basso contenuto di calorie circa 25 Kcal / 100 grammi

Ricetta: riso con asparagi

-Ingredienti: per 2 persone   Tempo di cottura: circa 40 minuti

250 g di asparagi
160 grammi di riso
1 litro di brodo vegetale
1 scalogno
olio extravergine d’oliva
sale e pepe

-Preparazione: Lavate bene gli asparagi sotto l’acqua corrente, rimuovete la parte bianca del gambo e raschiateli con un coltello. Bene, ora tagliate le estremità e la parte rimanente. Scaldate il brodo. Ora mettete in una pentola l’olio e lo scalogno, tagliato in piccoli pezzi, aggiungendo qualche cucchiaio di brodo e un pizzico di sale, fino a quando non inizia a dorare; quindi aggiungete gli asparagi e lasciate cuocere per qualche minuto a fuoco vivace, mentre mescolate. Adesso aggiungete un pizzico di sale ed a fuoco basso, coprite la pentola per 5 minuti. Raccogliete le punte degli asparagi e metteteli da parte.
Aggiungete il riso, fatelo tostare un minuto e mescolate.
Aggiungete 4-5 mestoli di brodo caldo e aspettate il tempo di cottura del riso (di solito 15-18 minuti).
Continuate unendo il brodo man mano che viene assorbito, mescolando di tanto in tanto, senza lasciare che il composto si asciughi, altrimenti cuocerebbe male, e non vogliamo che poi diventi brutto eheh :D.
Non vi dimenticate però, 2 minuti prima della fine della cottura del riso, adi ggiungere le punte degli asparagi.
Ok, ora mescolate e mescolate fino a quando il riso è pronto; a questo punto spegnete il fuoco, continuate a mescolare e lasciate riposare il riso all’interno della pentola con il coperchio sopra per qualche minuto… ed il piatto è pronto ! Buon appetito.

The Sachertorte: a princely delicacy


Once upon a time in Wien, in 1832, one Prince: Wenzel von Metternich that, on the occasion of the Congress that would have been in Wien, asked to prepare one dessert; but his Chef got sick, and the task passed to the young apprentice which name was Franz Sacher, that was 16 years old. Franz Sacher has managed in the creation of a new dessert, that bears his name: Sachertorte in german, the Sacher cake. The guests of the Congress appreciated it and in few time this cake became famous in all the world. It is defined as ‘a delicate chocolate cake with the filling of lightly spiced apricot jam and covered with a rich chocolate glaze’. In early 900, there was a real legal battle between the Sacher Hotel and Demel, they contested the attribution of the original Sachertorte title, because the son of Franz had completed the recipe of the father’s cake when he worked in the Demel. Finally in 1963 the two parties arrived to an agreement: the Sacher hotel could use the term original Sachertorte… And now i want to give you a possible recipe of this famous cake that i personally tasted in Wien in the Sacher hotel. Wow, a riot of fantastic flavours has crossed my palate.. there is not other words to describe the goodness of this dessert.. only one thing: all the people must taste this culinary specialities.



  • for the Cake: 6 eggs, 160 gr of butter, 160 gr of sugar, 200 gr of dark chocolate, 160 gr of flour, 200 gr of apricot jam, 1 packet of yeast for cakes and a pinch of salt
  • for the Chocolate frosting: 200 gr of dark chocolate, 2 teaspoons powdered sugar, milk and water
  • Melt half the sugar in a double boiler with butter and chunks dark chocolate until you get a smooth cream. Separate the yolks from the whites. Whip them with the remaining sugar and add a pinch of salt. Let cool without leaving solidify the chocolate cream, and add the yolks already beaten, and mix well. Now add the egg whites, stir slowly and well, stirring from the bottom up. Sift flour and baking powder together and then incorporated gradually in the dough. The dough should be smooth, start to fill it from the sides to the center. Bake at 150 degrees for 1 hour and a quarter. Let cool and rest for at least three hours. Now cut the cake in two halves and spread the apricot jam in the bottom of the disc surface. Sprinkle the sifted cocoa over the jam, then recompose the cake with the second disk. Recomposed the cake, coat the entire surface and the sides with apricot jam, and add a dusting of cocoa.
  • preparation of the chocolate frosting: Melt the chocolate in a double boiler, adding a little of milk and water that help you to melt. Now add two teaspoons of sifted powdered sugar. For the chocolate frosting density, you must adjust seeing it, it will not be too thick it also too runny. Coat the cake with icing, very quickly, because it solidifies. Before serving, refrigerate for at least 45 minutes. And as the Wien’s people makes, you can accompany the slices of cake with a dollop of bitter cream.

Fruit smoothie


Hello people! We are in the spring season and what is there of better of one fruit smoothie? I think that the fruit smoothie is at the same time, fresh, healthy, good and a valid compromise to eat fruit.
It is very important for our body eat the fruit to maintain a proper intake of vitamins, minerals and fiber, but a lot of people don’t eat it, as many children.. Moreover how to give the fruit at the children? The fruit smoothie can be the answer. My mother, when i was a child, gave me fruit through this method, and this was a valid method for me: in fact, in this way i ate the fruit and me and my mom were both happy 😀
Do you want to see two different ways to prepare smoothies fruit?

-First method: very easy and very quick cooking time (5minutes)


Wash the fruit (in my case I used strawberries) and cut into small pieces, removing the green petiole.
Put all the fruit in the blender container and pour in the milk, or soy milk, orange juice, peach juice or pineapple, for example (vegan version). Blend all the ingredients until the mixture is homogeneous and smooth. Well, the fruit smoothie is ready! You can put the fruit smoothie into a glass beaker for an aperitif and decorate the rim of the glass with pieces of fresh fruit, as in the picture below


-Second method: even in this case the recipe is very easy, in fact the method is the same, it is enough to substitute the milk or soya milk, orange juice, peach juice or pineapple, with the white yogurt ( as in this case it is possible to add the vegan yogurt). With the yogurt the smoothie will be more creamy and less liquid as below


After you can add  some pieces of fresh fruit. I add pieces of strawberries ( i love them ) and goji berries…are you hungry? Good snack! 😀



Frullato di frutta 

Ciao a tutti! Ormai siamo giunti alla stagione primaverile, iniziano le prime giornate calde e cosa c’è di meglio se non bere un bel frullato di frutta? 😀 Lo ritengo un valido compromesso per avere da una parte freschezza e bontà e dall’altra è anche un modo per potere mangiare tanta frutta. La frutta è uno dei cibi più importanti per il nostro organismo, visto l’importante apporto che riesce a dare in termini di vitamine, proteine e fibre.. Allora perché non mangiarla? Purtroppo non da tutti viene consumata, soprattutto, i bambini sono coloro a cui non va proprio giù 🙈 e allora mamme come fare? Semplice fate un bel frullato!. Quando ero piccola nemmeno io mangiavo la frutta e dopo vari tentativi ( trenini che per colpa mia deragliavano andando a finire inevitabilmente sopra i vestiti, aerei che finivano sul pavimento della cucina) a mia mamma venne l’idea di frullarmi la frutta e fu così che trovammo (sia io che lei) la pace dei sensi.  Preparare un buon frullato è la cosa più semplice che possa farsi, basta veramente poco (5 minuti) e il ‘dado è tratto’ XD o meglio il frullato è pronto.. 

-1 metodo:

Prendete la frutta, lavatela, tagliatela a piccoli pezzi, togliendo eventuali piccioli ( io ho usato le fragole per fare il frullato come in foto) o bucce, e mettetela all’interno del vostro frullatore. Ora potete aggiungere del latte, o latte di soia,o spremuta d’arancia o ananas, per esempio, e procedere a frullare il tutto. Dopo qualche minuto si formerà una cremina, bene il frullato è pronto!. Ora sta a voi versarlo in un bicchiere.. Che ne dite anche di usarlo come un aperitivo ? Guardate la foto di come l’ho decorato 🙂 

-2 metodo:

altro modo per prepararlo è quello di usare al posto del latte o di un succo lo yogurt bianco, in questo modo avrete una consistenza più cremosa , guardate questa altra foto: si tratta di un frullato ai mirtilli con aggiunta di pezzi di fragole e bacche di Goji.. E ora non vi posso che dire non vi è venuta anche a voi fame? E allora buona merenda! 

The Lasagna: Classic and vegan 

Do you know the Lasagna? Today I want to speak about it, because i cooked the lasagna, as in the photo. Lasagne is my favourite dish, it is a typical italian dish of pasta, that is possible do in many different ways. It consists, of a puff pastry, cut in rectangular way, that are stuffed.. They exist many different ways to stuff the lasagna, it depends from the locality in which it is cooked.

The classic lasagna is made with Bolognese sauce, bechamel sauce and Parmigiano-Reggiano, it is known as lasagna bolognese; but it is possible to use for a vegan recipe instead of bolognese sauce the pesto sauce.

Nowdays exist many brands that sell the ready bolognese sauce, but the original recipe expects a bolognese sauce homemade.

To prepare the bolognese sauce at home it takes so long, beacuse the cooking times of the ragou are very long! For the first it is necessary to chop the vegetables in very small pieces, then add the spices, the oil, and then bake in the oven, up to sauté vegetables; after add the meat minced, usually it is used the meat of beef, at low temperature, because the time of cooking are about 3/4 hours!

After the stuffing of the lasagne it is necessary to bake in the oven at 180° for about 30 minutes

About the vegan variation: pesto is made by basil leaves with salt and garlic that are crushed together until it comes out a green liquid, at this point it is possible to add the pine nuts and oil, then it needs to continue to crush together the ingredients, when it forms a smooth sauce the pesto is ready!

The pearl on the Danube


Hello to everyone! 😀 today i want to share with you my experience and give some information of the socalled ‘perl on the Danube’: Budapest.

Information: Budapest is the capital of Hungary. It is formed by Buda, located in the western shore, and Pest, in the eastern shore. It is the tenth most photographed city in the world!Why? Look below

Costs and Currency: Budapest is not an expensive city! you can stay in a fantastic apartment spending less than ten euro per night !! It is not a joke, it is the real. I booked using the website and i chose an apartment in Pest for 8 euro per night..About currency in Budapest there is not euro there is the Florin (HUF).. 1 EURO is about 300 HFU, daily it is possible to change.

Starting to Pest


The shoes on the bank of the Danube on the side of Pest…one work that reminds the massacre of jewish, during the II World War by militiamen of the Arrow Cross Party.




The Parliament of Budapest, located in Pest.. that is possible to visit buyng the ticket online or in the same Parliament

 The Great Synagogue of Budapest is the largest synagogue in Europe and the fourth in the world

Vaci utca: the shopping street.. that in the Christmas period is lighted with many colored lights, a very beautiful spectacle for the eyes

Sziget eye: the largest mobile Ferris wheel in Europe..
I made many other photos in Pest, in the beautiful Buda, in the spa, i will show you even speaking about the typical food, in the next article on Budapest. Stay tuned! 😀

Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean diet.. What is it? In the reality the term ‘Mediterranean diet’ does not indicate a diet but an alimentary style, based on simple and balanced foods.Italy is one of the promoters countries together the others, like Greece, that bordering on the Mediterranean. Before to explain this diet is useful to know that

the fundamental aspect of mediterranean diet is the proportion, moderation of the portions! Well, keep in mind.

I want to give you a simple guide line about this famous diet, remembering that it is become UNESCO heritage since 2010.. I think that it is very important for the consequences that we can have for our health..

OK..Let’s start 😃

The mediterranean diet provides the consumption of vegetal protein in large amounts, it means that is favourite the use of legumes, dried fruits, cereals, seasonable fruits and vegetables, but also olive oil and wine, instead of animal fats. The consumption of sausages, spirits, white sugar, butter, fatty cheeses, mayonnaise, white salt, margarine, beef and pork is reduced!.

In substance, it is a diet based on bread, pasta (preferably wholegrain), vegetables, fish, olive oil and fruit!…It provides protein, fat and high nutritional value sugars, low in cholesterol, saturated fats and simple sugars; It is rich in vitamins, minerals and non-digestible fibers.

Furthermore the mediterranean diet is a natural defense against diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, myocardial infarction and stroke… and if these few words about this diet don’t convince you to try it, i report to you another reason ‘The Mediterranean diet involves a set of skills, knowledge, rituals, symbols and traditions concerning the crops, agricultural crops, fisheries, animal husbandry, storage, processing, cooking, and especially sharing and consumption of food from motivational words of UNESCO ..The fundamental behavior is the “eating together”, said the UNESCO, which emphasizes the importance of family, group and community.

Then why not try?

   I attached some pictures of mediterranean, i think that is possible to imagine the scent of typical flavors even only looking these photos 😀